BARR/3270 manual

Appendix D. IBM Default Logon Mode Tables

In this appendix we provide several Logon Mode tables, which are excerpts from IBM’s VTAM Customization Guide for Version 3 Releases 1 and 1.1. You can use these Logon Mode Tables to change the terminal type being emulated in the 3270 session.

To emulate a Model 3 terminal, for example, you would enter the following command on your 3270 screen in an SSCP-LU session:


MYTSO is the name of the TSO environment at your host.

Once the host receives the name of the Logon Mode table to use, it sends down the BIND image containing the parameters shown in the Logon Mode Tables below. For an explanation of parameters in the BIND image, refer to IBM 3270 Information Display System: 3274 Control Unit Description and Programmer’s Guide, Chapter 5.

Your host may support additional Logon Modes with different parameter values. The Host Systems Programmer can provide more information regarding these additional Logon Modes.


3274 Model 1C with Model 2 screen (Remote SNA)
      Primary Screen 24x80 (1920)
      No Alternate Screen Size


3274 Model 1C with Model 3 screen (Remote SNA)
      Primary Screen 24x80 (1920)
      Alternate Screen 32x80 (2560)


3274 Model 1C with Model 4 screen (Remote SNA)
      Primary Screen 24x80 (1920)
      Alternate Screen 43x80 (3440)


3274 Model 1C with Model 5 screen (Remote SNA)
      Primary Screen 24x80 (1920)
      Alternate Screen 27x132 (3564)


Printer with SNA Character Set (SCS)


Printer with 4K Buffer


File transfer extended LOGMODE with model 2 screen